DEC 23, 2015


It's the jolliest time of year and yet I'm sitting here with no words or thoughts or ideas. I have tried to write blogposts, but none of them are finished or will ever be.


So, I'm going to compile them all into one and hope that there is some sense somewhere.

It's his birthday today.


I have this brother. 
I only one brother.
 Actually, I only have one sibling.
 When I was born, he was there.
 When I die, he will probably still be there. 

The dictionary definition of a brother /brəT͟Hər/ is a man or boy who share the same parents as you.

but everybody knows that.

Today, I'm going to tell you my definition of my brother. 

When I was younger there were "flaws" in his character that made him a nuisance to my existence.

1. Crook

He was a master of conviction. He told me that my $5 bills were not worth as much as his $1 bills. Abraham Lincoln was not worth as much as George Washington. I mean, everyone knows that the 1st president was worth so much more than the 16th. Everybody knows that. To this day, I have feel the need to keep my fives and pay in singles, even if its a hassle.



I don't have time to waste, but here I am wasting time. This next week is going to be a busy one which includes a trip to the city and midnight debates about terrorism overseas and the week after is finals week. I really won't have time to catch my breath, but I hope that it all works out in the end. I almost wish finals came up a lot earlier or was spaced out over a span of time because test after test can be overwhelming at times. Thankfully two finals that I am most worried about are spread out, one being on the first day and the other being on the last day. I don't know how many more shots of expresso I need to wake me out of this weird haze I'm in that I can't seem to explain. The year is going by so quickly, yet I feel like it's droning along at the same time. There are so many things on my checklist that are unmarked, and I'm not really sure when I can cross them off. I haven't got a single Christmas present yet, and I won't have time to in the next two weeks, so that itself is stressing me out. Hopefully, if there is time, I can get a present or two in San Fran.

The world is on this rocky downfall right now, and although it's not affecting me to an extent where I can see it, the turmoil seems to be approaching all around. In the states, there are presidential candidates being blatantly racist and ignorant (and they have supporters for being so.) There also have been shootings so close together that it has put me in such a weird mood. It's no longer if there is going to be a shooting, it's more the question of "when?" and "where?". There is a terrorist group causing havoc in places all over the world and nations are not really taking the best approach of how to handle it. All that the united nations are getting from it are the deaths of innocent civilians and the terrorist group growing like parasites investing the world. Refugees have limited places to go and the place that was once their home is now a battlefield. Yes, admitting refugees are a risk, but so is any other immigrant or refugee that has ever  entered this country or any other.


Nationality and Ethnicity; these words seem to be confused constantly, so let's clear the differences. I could tell you the dictionary definition, but you could google that, so let me keep it plain and simple. A nationality can be changed and be made up of different ethnicity, while an ethnicity is a permanent trait that cannot be changed.

We live in a world with so many faces, so why focus on the same mold?


I believe in ghosts and guardian angels and spirits and everything else lurking around the room, not making a single sound. I also have a theory that makes sense in my head of how that can be.

My Theory (where I but a theory within another theory and then I go off track)

My theory comes to be through an exploration of other theories, so bear with me. The undulatory theory speculates the idea of an invisible medium. In other words, empty space is filled with invisible things. These objects are commodities like waves and vibrations that create light forms. These waves advance forward until they encounter an object to stimulate vision. If that is so, wouldn't that coincide with the case of a spirit who technically is an invisible thing that does not contain waves or vibrations, therefore, even when coming in contact with an object cannot stimulate vision. Just because it isn't seen, does not mean it isn't there. If that were the case, then things like oxygen and sound waves would not exist. My theory is simple, ghosts/spirits/whatever you call it, are things that are invisible that do not create sound waves or vibrations, therefore, inhabiting them from being seen. Another theory I have is that there are parallel universes that all play at the same time. The past, present, and future are each their own domain playing at the same time. When someone leaves their domain they have to pass through the others to get to the other side. Therefore, people see orbs in our universe. 

This made a lot more sense in my brain.



None of these make sense. 


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