A list of accumulated things that weren't able to situate themselves into their own post
I am not really good at comprising my thoughts into meaningful pieces, but I'd like to say I'm a decent list maker, so that is what I will do today.
- Why is it that when there is a mass amount of violence, it is returned with a mass amount of violence that affects more than the initial violator; in the end, rather than eliminating the main killer, it becomes a mass assassination of innocents caught in the middle. Although I do believe that those who cause violence do need to get the punishment they deserve, it is, dare I say, stupid for such a powerful nation to cause violence at the same or even greater extent to areas far less fortunate than their. Eliminate the rapid group of piranhas, but don't poison the entire lake to kill those piranhas, you'll end up killing the ducks and frogs and quiet fish too.
- "I want to know why the weight of a human life depends on relevancy in the media" @uhrazan aka my best friend who put into words. There is such an outpour for France, although I do think that it is SO important that we pray for those affected there, why don't we hear about Syria or Palestine or Afghanistan or Iraq or Kenya or Beirut. Adult and children alike are face with death and fear every single day, and yet the amount of media sending prayers and focus on them in so minimal compared to a region in a country that's part of the big 5.
Broke my heart #PrayForSyria pic.twitter.com/A3Q4SXU7KI
— noura (@Nourahiii) November 17, 2015
I Can't stop crying about this image, it was shocking to me. Where is human kind? #PrayForSyria #PrayForTheWolrd pic.twitter.com/oPEA9gZqrk
— Khaled AL Homsi (@PalmyraPioneer) November 17, 2015
lord forgive me if i'm ever ungrateful #PrayForSyria pic.twitter.com/anuBEx08Iz
— ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ✗❍ (@PAClFlCALLY) November 16, 2015
This is happening everyday. Don't turn a blind eye. There is so much more havoc going on and countless lives being killed. Children this young should not be having to be worried about losing their siblings to violence or wondering where their next meal is going to come from or living in the constant fear that they could be next. Let me remind you of humanity. Bombing entire nations for the wrong doing of an extremist group is disgusting. I don't care how much military power you have. If you don't realize that there are families living within these nations and you still further on your fight, you are just as bad as the terrorists that started this and are killing even more lives. Fighting fire with fire has never been proven to work, so why does it continue? Many middle eastern and African nations are hurting and I rarely hear about them. Why does the media not bring them into the spotlight? Why is it that the only lives that seem to matter are the ones represented by mass media? Does not being shown make the lives of those in the middle east and Africa lose their value? I was brought up being told that every life is a beautiful creation of god that are each special in their own right unless tainted by dents in their framework leading them into extremist groups or extreme hatred and loss of morality. Just because it's not brought to one's attention does not make it lose its relevance. Remember that.
3. Art is not perfect nor will it ever be. Art is different and looks different to every eye, and you are the same. Every human is an art form. Their lines and curves and edges make them into a masterpiece worth admiring. You, I and every other person living is something extraordinary and magical both by their appearance and by what is inside their brains.
4. Lately, I've been thinking. What if there was a parallel universe outside of our own that existed just as ours exists? I am aware that to allocate this idea blatantly and comprise it off of basically no evidence is slightly ridiculous, but to say that is completely impossible, is that just as well. It's odd, the world we live in. It's a competition between science and belief, and to compromise the two is thought of as ridiculous; in my personal opinion, if you disagree I won't hold it against you, I believe in science and in god. But that's just me. Back to where I started, I'd like to think that it is impossible that we are the only developed species to our extent in the universe. The earth is in the solar system, and the solar system is in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is part of a universe much larger that scientists haven't grasped past. There are theories and educated assumptions, but no one really knows. There could be a black hole sucking every planet one by one in another galaxy, and we wouldn't know. That's the scariest part. To be unsure of what lies beyond is one of the most complex ideas to accumulate itself into the minds of the public. We don't know what's true and we don't know what's false. We just follow a belief that is both reasonable and not at the same time that confuses the living hell out of me and probably a lot of other people; that kind of uncertainty gives a reason of belief for the extraordinary. I wonder if someone in another galaxy is thinking of the same ideas as me right now.
5. I tried to be minimalistic with the way I decorated my space but trying to do that made me realize that I was instead a maximalistic ( I'm not sure if that's a word). I am eclectic and a hoarder and love my walls to be covered in art and paint and sketches and maps.
6. The world is dealing with so much suffering and heartbreak and terror. I listened to Abbas Milani speak this weekend and he said something that resonated in my mind. He said something along the lines that we have reached a peril in the world that is far worse that it has ever been, and yet he has hope. He has hope that we will be the generation of diplomats and politicians that will change the coarse of how the world will enter its next era.
7. Friendly reminder that when one is passive aggressive, it is sometimes worse than when someone is straight out being blatantly rude, so be nice.
8. I would eat waffle fries for every meal if that was healthy. I really like waffle fries. (Stanford has by far some of the best waffle fries I've ever had)
9. The concept of time is by far the scariest concept to me. I feel like there is a constant countdown in my head that I can never slowdown or pause. I'm afraid of wasting the most precious elements of my life and then there are other times where I can't help but wait for the alarm to go off.
10. When you put cream cheese on a bagel, never be shy. Think of it like you're frosting a cake. It should be it's own layer, and if that's not what you're doing, you're doing it wrong. Also, when you're eating a bagel and your not putting a lot of cream cheese because you are afraid of gaining wait, just know that both the bagel and cream cheese by itself are unhealthy, so go big or go home. Eating a bagel is its own experience, so if your going to eat the calories, enjoy it to its fullest extent (not the calories should be anyone's biggest concern because it really shouldn't be).
11. I am at a loss of how people are able to keep all their things organized. When I set things aside and tidy everything up, it goes back to its initial state within the next two days, so I've given up trying. I have gotten used to the residential pile of makeup and brushes at the foot of my mirror and the clothes make an organized accumulated pile from a matter of days hours.
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