I love myself!!!!!

"I love myself !" 
This is something that doesn’t seem to be shouted out as much as I would hope it would be. It bothers me. The thought of shouting that to the world would more likely be taken as being narcissistic than you actually feeling good about yourself. We are trained to joke and make fun of ourselves and our reflections before saying something nice about ourselves. We’ve been trained to feel uncomfortable when given a compliment and deny it at the expense of hoping that we don’t look self absorbed. We are shunned if we admire our reflection a second longer than everyone else. We are told to appreciate our body and our essence, and yet, a majority of us feel as though we need to take destructible actions to meet a goal that is clearly unattainable. Saying that out loud makes me realize that it sounds even more screwed up out loud than just being typed up. I’m not saying that I love myself one-hundred percent because I would be lying, but over the past year, I’ve learned to appreciate and realize the gift that is my existence. To not waste my days thinking and feeding destructive thoughts that somehow made their way into my head. Without it, I wouldn’t be here listening to the trees and typing away words that are compiled in my head into a laptop I was gifted and under a roof and born into a family that wants me to follow whatever dream I’ve created in my mind as my end result. That’s why I’m thankful to be me. I hope one day, we’ll get to a time where a girls and boys will be able to compliment themselves and see themselves how the world surrounding them feels. I’ve noticed that when someone does truly love themselves, they seemed to be mocked and laughed at. Kanye West, for example, I may not be a die hard fan of his music or actions , but it is so refreshing to see someone so comfortable in their own skin. To be able to not care about what other people think or say. That should be how you feel every single day of your life. Our lives are short ones compared to the lives of redwood trees or the earth itself; why not show the world that we actually like our quirks and our flaws or maybe that we don’t think we have flaws at all. That’s alright. Embrace yourself.



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