
What is feminism?

“What is feminism? What is it really?” Due to unnecessary controversy surrounding it , the concept is often dismissed by the untrained mind and seen as a close minded stubborn attitude grasped to hate on men and turn society into a complete matriarchy. It is seen to dismiss an entire gender
as irrelevant to put one above another. In simple terms, those conceptions are inaccurate. Feminism was a movement created to further women’s rights and societal standings to be equal to men. Obviously a lot has changed since the start of the official toying of this idea in written sources during the Enlightenment revolution, but the sentiment stays the same. In some ways we have obtained things that women had fought for but in other situations, we have yet to progress. As a straight women living with privilege in a first world country, the things that I see as a women is different compared to a woman who is at a different economic standing, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, etc. Every women faces the issues through a different light, and it is important to acknowledge and understand every circumstance. Many times that concept is forgotten and intersectional feminism is tucked away never to be seen. Just because you lack experience doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Here’s an analogy that might help you understand a little better : it was cold today, so there global warming must have been eradicated. As being a child born right after the millennial, I have been born into the era of being “politically correct”. There have been people who have asked me why, if the goal of feminism was for equality, the name was not equalist. In some ways, I can see where that conclusion could be made. Equality in all areas is the end goal. It always has been and it always will be. Both gender should have equal opportunity to get an education rather than worrying about being forced into child marriage. Both gender should be able to work the same position and make the same salary. Both gender should be able to wear whatever they want without  being told by their school dress code that their shoulders are distracting and shorts that are a centimeter under mid-thigh are all of a sudden a hazard to the student body. Both genders should be able to express themselves however they want without having their sexuality poked ‘till words have lost their meaning and regular words are turned to unnecessary insults. Both genders need an equal playing field to propose the most prosperous success. If they lack the same starting point, how should it be expected that they be able to have equal opportunity to achieve and win the final game. Right now, it is as if women are two feet behind men in first world countries. They are close, so close, but the two feet creates a gap that starts small and increases as the race goes on. There are judicial laws in place but in media women are still objects and in pay, women are still behind varying even further when discussing race. In society, gender roles have hindered boys from being sensitive because they are told that doesn’t make them a “man” and then in media they’re put under the pressure of hyper masculinity and expected to clad a six pack. It is not normal to see a man wearing a dress because that’s a “girl” thing, there are not many that wear makeup (the few that do have skills that I would kill for), although historically, makeup was created initially for men along with things like heels and other beautification tools, and it is still hard for some to give their sons dolls in the 21st century because they feel it deemed “not normal”. In poorer countries, the gap is ten times larger. There are areas where women lack basic human laws and education that living in the states, I deem a human right. Currently, there are 65 million girls in the world who do not have an education because of numerous reasons like a lack of resources, accessibility, terrorist groups, and being forced into labor to support their families. Chances are the shirt you are wearing may have been made in a sweatshop by a child robbed of their childhood and education because their parents were unable to suffice the needed income to support their family. As a feminist AKA a person who believes in equality, it is important that we look at international issues that need to be addressed but at the same time, not undermine the sexism that is faced in our developed and running countries. In every community, there is a varying struggle; comparing them will do nothing to improve any situation. Just think about it


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