An Important List

A list

  1. Laugh. Laugh until your insides hurt.Laugh until you can’t breathe any further. Laugh until your heart is full. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at the world. it’s a pretty funny place.
  2. Cry. It’s ok to cry. Cry waterfalls. Cry thunderstorms. Cry floods. Cry tsunamis. It doesn’t make you any less of a person if you cry. It makes you human.
  3. Dance. Dance like nobody’s watching. Pretend you are a breakdancer or a prima ballerina or a kung fu master that has a hidden talent. Dance alone. Dance with people. Sometimes you just need to get your blood pumping.
  4. Sing. Blare song lyrics in the car with your windows rolled down. Whisper songs in the dead of night to keep away the nightly frown. Hum the song that has been in repeat constantly in your head. It doesn’t matter if your tone deaf, when you’re in the zone, you’ll feel like Beyonce. Flawless.
  5. Scream. Scream into the oblivion. Scream into your pillow. Let it out. Scream at an inanimate object, they won’t mind. Just keep screaming till you can’t scream anymore. You will feel so much better.
  6. Adventure. Roam your neighborhood or the neighboring town. Look at all the places you didn’t notice before. Take a different route back home that you’re not used to. Go into nature. Take a hike.Put away your phone and all the distractions and just take in the world that you didn’t notice before.
  7. Listen.Listen to the music of nature. Hear the songs of the birds above and chirps of the crickets below. Listen to the dead silence of the night or the blaring sounds of the day. Listen to the people, the ones far away and the ones over your shoulder. If you listen real close, you can hear the world sing.
  8. Dream. Dream about your past, your present, your future. Dream about the sounds and the creatures; the ones you swore were under your bed and in your closet. Never stop dreaming. When you do, you stop living. When you stop living, life drags and you become stuck.
  9. Take. Take compliments. You deserve them. Take opportunities. You’ll be lead somewhere great. Take what you want. You might lose it if you don’t.
  10. Give. Just as you take, remember to give. Give to those who don’t have anything. Give a smile, Give a hug. Give help to those who need it. Give friendship, give love. These are things we have to be give,so that there’s balance between give and take.

These things are not materialistic. None physical things that you can hold, but they’re important. They help everyday be a little bit easier


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